Pie Chart or Pie Graphs

Pie graph (chart): A pie graph or pie chart is a circle that is divided into slices according to the percentage of the data values in each category.

A pie chart allows us to observe the proportions of sectors relative to the entire data set. It can be used to display either qualitative or quantitative data.

Each slice of the pie chart represents a category with its frequency count and the corresponding percentage.

Pie Charts are circles subdivided into a number of “slices.” The area of each represents the relative proportion data points falling into a given category. Pie charts are the preferred method for graphing both nominal data and percentages.

Find out more about pie graphs and pie charts below.

Pie Chart or Pie Graphs

Practice: Use pie chart or pie graph to represent data in the following exercises.

Pie Chart or Pie Graphs 1

Pie Chart or Pie Graphs 2