Define and Represent a Function

A set of ordered pairs is a relation. The set of all first coordinates of the ordered pairs, or x-coordinates, is called the input. The set of all second coordinates, or y-coordinates, is called the output.

Many of the relationships you have studied have a special name: they are called functions. In mathematics, a function is a relationship between an input variable and an output variable in which there is only one output for each input.

A function f from a set A to a set B is a relation that assigns to each element x in the set A exactly one element y in the set B. The set A is the domain (or set of inputs) of the function f, and the set B contains the range (or set of outputs)


Find out more about relation and function by reading the explanation below.

Define and Represent a Function

Practice: Determine whether each relation is a function in the following exercises.

Define and Represent a Function 1

Define and Represent a Function 2

Define and Represent a Function 3