Inverse, Converse, and Contra Positives


Definition 1: The inverse of a conditional statement is formed by negating the hypothesis and negating the conclusion of the original statement. In other words, to create an Inverse the word "not" is inserted to both portions of the sentence.

Rule 1: To create the inverse, the two parts of a conditional are negated.


The converse of a conditional statement is formed by interchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of the original statement. In other words, the parts of the sentence change places. The words "if" and "then" do not move.

Contra Positives

The contra positive of a conditional statement is formed by negating both the hypothesis and the conclusion, and then interchanging the resulting negations. In other words, the contra positive negates and switches the parts of the sentence.  It does BOTH the jobs of the INVERSE and the CONVERSE.


Find out more about inverse, converse, and contra positives below.

Inverse, Converse, and Contra Positives

Practice: Find the inverse, converse and contra positive statements in the exercises below.

Inverse, Converse, and Contra Positives 1

Inverse, Converse, and Contra Positives 2